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************************Embark on a journey of self-discovery and guidance with our personalized tarot reading sessions. Delve into the mysteries of the cards and uncover the wisdom they hold for your life’s path************************

Why Tarot?

  • Insight and Reflection: Tarot cards can provide valuable insights into different aspects of life, offering reflection and guidance on relationships, career paths, and personal growth.
  • Intuition and Self-awareness: Using tarot encourages the development of intuition and self-awareness.
  • Empowerment and Decision-making: Tarot readings empower individuals to make informed decisions by offering clarity and perspective on complex situations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are Your Ideal Clients?

An ideal client might be someone who:

1. Feels stuck or stagnant: They’re struggling with a specific challenge, goal, or area of their life (e.g., career, relationships, personal growth) and can’t seem to move forward.

2. Open to self-reflection and growth: They’re willing to explore their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to identify the root causes of their stuck-ness and are eager to learn and improve.

3. Motivated to change: They’re frustrated with their current situation and are driven to make progress, but might need guidance and support to overcome obstacles.

4. Values empathy and understanding: They appreciate a non-judgmental and compassionate approach, and are comfortable sharing their concerns and vulnerabilities.

5. Willing to take action: They’re ready to put in the effort required to make meaningful changes and are open to trying new approaches and strategies.

6. Appreciates a collaborative approach: They value a partnership where they can share their thoughts and ideas, and work together to find solutions that suit their unique needs.

7. Respects my expertise: They acknowledge my experience and knowledge in helping people get unstuck and are receptive to my guidance and feedback.

8. Committed to the process: They understand that overcoming stuck-ness takes time, effort, and patience, and are willing to invest in the process.

Can you predict the future?

I believe tarot is a medium to help you gain insights into your choices and experiences in the past, present and future. The ultimate creation of the future remains in your and Universe’s hands. We use tarot for self-development, decision making, clarity and entertainment purposes only. 

Do you do health readings?

At this time I do general life, career and purpose and relationships readings only. 

What kind of questions to ask tarot reader?


  1. What can I do to attract a loving and fulfilling relationship into my life?
  2. What lessons can I learn from past relationships to improve my love life?
  3. What qualities should I look for in a partner?
  4. How can I improve communication with my current partner?
  5. What obstacles are preventing me from finding love?
  6. What can I do to strengthen my existing relationship?
  7. What does the future hold for my romantic life?
  8. What do I need to know about my current romantic interest?
  9. How can I heal from a past heartbreak and open my heart to love again?
  10. What steps can I take to improve my self-love and self-worth?


  1. What career path is best suited for my skills and passions?
  2. What opportunities should I pursue to advance my career?
  3. What obstacles do I need to overcome to achieve success in my career?
  4. How can I improve my work-life balance?
  5. What steps can I take to increase my financial abundance?
  6. What should I focus on in my current job to achieve greater satisfaction?
  7. What skills or talents should I develop to further my career?
  8. What career changes are on the horizon for me?
  9. How can I find more fulfillment in my current job?
  10. What do I need to know about a potential job opportunity?


  1. How can I improve my communication with my family members?
  2. What can I do to strengthen my friendships?
  3. How can I resolve conflicts with a specific person in my life?
  4. What boundaries do I need to set in my relationships?
  5. What qualities should I look for in a friend or partner?
  6. How can I cultivate more meaningful connections with others?
  7. What can I do to attract positive and supportive relationships into my life?
  8. How can I mend a strained relationship with someone?
  9. What role do my relationships play in my personal growth?
  10. How can I be a better listener in my relationships?


  1. What can I do to support my child’s emotional well-being?
  2. How can I improve my relationship with my child?
  3. What activities or hobbies would best suit my child’s interests?
  4. How can I help my child navigate challenges at school?
  5. What important life lessons can I teach my child?
  6. What approach should I take in disciplining my child?
  7. How can I create a nurturing and supportive environment for my child?
  8. What strengths and talents does my child possess?
  9. How can I encourage my child’s creativity and imagination?
  10. What can I do to help my child build confidence and self-esteem?


  1. What is my true purpose in life?
  2. How can I align my career with my life purpose?
  3. What passions or interests should I pursue to fulfill my purpose?
  4. What obstacles are preventing me from living my purpose?
  5. How can I make a positive impact on the world?
  6. What steps can I take to live a more purposeful and meaningful life?
  7. What lessons can I learn from past experiences to help me fulfill my purpose?
  8. How can I connect with my intuition to uncover my purpose?
  9. What fears or doubts are holding me back from living my purpose?
  10. How can I find fulfillment and satisfaction in my everyday life while working towards my purpose?

These questions aim to provide insight and guidance in various areas of life, helping individuals navigate their personal journeys with clarity and purpose.

do you host tarot parties?

Yes, I do host tarot parties. Please write to so we can schedule a consultation call and understand your party requirements and for pricing

Are there other healing modalities you help with?

Yes, I do. I am able to provide sound healing, reiki and energy healing, mindfulness meditation, akashic records cord cutting, house energy clearing services and more. Please write to with detailed needs. 

do you teach tarot?

Yes, I do teach tarot. I am working on creating tarot and other healing modalities courses and certifications. Write to for details. Once I have these on my website, I will update this page with correct links. 




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